With lockdown easing, it's particularly important to recognise the risk of escape from water damage in domestic and commercial premises.
Many buildings have been shut during the Covid-19 lockdown, with water systems either isolated and drained or having seen little or no use for long periods of time. With tenants planning to reopen, property owners should be undertaking full checks, by competent staff, of all the water supplies and associated equipment.
To minimise the risk of damage, these checks should be made before resuming activities, and for a period after, to look for signs of leaks. It is particularly important to reinstate in a slow controlled manner where the water supplies have been isolated and systems drained.
More detailed information for your clients on reinstating utilities, and other checks to assist their tenants in safely resuming operations, can be found by calling Fenchurch.
Office: 01883 770970
Mobile: 07850 399993